We are developing urban design guidelines for the McLean Commercial Revitalization District, and you can provide feedback through a March 23 virtual community workshop. The guidelines will shape the details surrounding new developments in this part of McLean, which overlaps the town’s community business center, located just west of Tysons.
The interactive, hands-on workshop will allow you to weigh in on open space features including:
- Lighting
- Street Furnishings
- Streetscape Details
- Parks
- Trees, Plant Life and Greenery
Urban design guidelines are tailored to specific revitalization districts around the county to help define the character of these districts, create a distinctive yet unified look to the area and enhance the pedestrian experience. Public input early in the process is the key to creating the desired pedestrian experience.
Learn more about the work the Community Revitalization Section of the Department of Planning and Development is doing to improve commercial areas and align them with the community's vision.